

Dry eye routine


A daily routine is essential to limit the symptoms of dry eyes. That’s why we’ve decided to focus on 4 main themes to help you find relief with a few quick and easy tips.

1. Eyelid hygiene

Eyelid hygiene stimulates and maintains the function of the Meibomian glands, which produce the lipid layer of tears. It is a daily routine that not only reduces eye discomfort, but also optimizes and prolongs the results of treatments such as IPL.




  • Heat your eyelids for 8 to 15 minutes with a USB heating mask. This step enables the meibum to be liquefied.
  • Blink strongly 3 to 5 times under the mask from 6 minutes onwards. This step extracts poor-quality meibum.
  • Clean your eyelids with hydrating wipes. This step removes meibum residues.

To learn more about eyelid hygiene, we invite you to watch our tutorial by clicking here.

2. Screens use

Excessive use of screens can contribute to dry out the ocular surface, as we blink about 5 times less while looking at them.




  • Limit time spent in front of screens
  • Remember to do blinking exercises and take breaks
  • Position yourself so as not to have reflections on the screen, with the screen positioned lower than your eyes
  • If you are feeling eyestrain, you can opt for glasses with blue-light-resistant lenses and adopt the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look 20 feet (≈ 6 meters) away for 20 seconds

For more information on screens and dry eyes, you can read our news on the subject by clicking here.

3. Blink reeducation

Blinking stimulates the Meibomian glands and spreads tears to moisturize the ocular surface. Normally, we blink every 4 seconds, and each blink must be complete, that is, both eyelids must be touching.


Blinking exercises are the best way to keep your Meibomian glands stimulated throughout the day.




  • Close your eyes for 3 seconds
  • Squeeze eyelids for 3 seconds
  • Open your eyes for 3 seconds
  • Repeat the sequence 5 times in a row, several times a day

To see an example of this exercise, you can find our tutorial by clicking here.

4. Make-up

Make-up can cause damage to the eyes. Inadequate application can obstruct the Meibomian glands, causing them to malfunction. Additionally, the presence of make-up in tears can cause a stinging sensation.




  • Choose quality make-up suitable for sensitive eyes
  • Do not use eye pencil on your mucous membranes (inner eyelids)
  • Apply mascara to the tips of lashes only
  • Use cream eyeshadow instead
  • Remove make-up before going to bed with a preservative-free and fragrance-free cleanser
  • Avoid permanent and semi-permanent make-up (do not use eyelash extensions or false eyelashes)

If you would like to find out more, click here.

To ensure that these treatments are effective, do not forget to make them part of your daily routine.

Other factors can lead to dry eyes, such as: Air conditioning/heating, nutrition/hydration, contact lenses, environmental factors, etc.


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